Christmas 2009 Slideshow

As usual, double click on the slideshow for a larger version at the Picasa albums site.

(I'm still working on catching up on the late summer and fall pictures ... someday perhaps.)


Paul & Beth said...

That was fun...thanks for sharing! Late Merry Christmas to you and your family! Good luck on catching up! ;p

Love, Beth

Grams said...

Looks like everyone had a good Christmas! Liked seeing the girls in their new "thumb" shirts and of course, D in his NFL jersey! AND, didja see all the snow out the windows??? Wow!

Mainely Me said...

Perfect timing; I'm updating my "Grands" screen saver and got a lot of good ones. And I had to add the one of Jen having so much fun with whatever that hand held device is:)
The snow out the windows is so beautiful. Love you all so much!

Eyes_Wide_Open said...

Anna has braces! Man, I can't wait to see you all! And Jen, I'm ready for some Caribou Coffee. :)

Unknown said...

Love it!

BTW: Did Emily know what her gift was? I think I told Kellie to include an explanation, but wasn't sure. Oops. She looks a little confused in the picture. :)

And did her other package come?