Girls of Praise Sunday

I'm a couple major events behind here, so I'm going to post a couple weeks back to the Girls of Praise honoring Sunday! Girls of Praise is People of Praise's ministry for girls in K - 6th Grades (or is it 1st - 6th? I don't remember). At any rate, Anna's group is above in the green kerchiefs. I couldn't get a good shot of all of Emily's group but Emily did give a little sharing about what she enjoyed most in Girls of Praise this year, so here's a shot of Em's first public speaking engagement. :-)


Mainely Me said...

Brave Girl. And what did Miss Emily have to say?

Unknown said...

Way to go, Emily! Jon, you make me excited for the "school age" stage of parenting!

JPB said...

It is better than I ever imagined it would be.